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Please "Submit" before going to "Next Step"

Step Three

Please complete the Medical Waiver Form below.

     We understand that the staff for “Let the Children Praise” expects the participants to conduct themselves in a respectful and God-honoring way.  We understand that if inappropriate behavior is exhibited by any participant, the parent/guardian will be contacted and the participant may be dismissed from continued involvement. 


     We have indicated below any physical or medical conditions or concerns (including food allergies) that the staff should be aware of.  In addition, we have included insurance information that would be required should there be a need for medical attention.  If a participant needs medical attention, we understand that the parent/guardian will be contacted as soon as possible for instruction.  Should the participant require immediate attention or if the staff for “Let the Children Praise!” is unable to contact the parent/guardian, we hereby authorize them to seek out and/or provide the appropriate medical attention.

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